Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama/Biden '08

Okay - so that takes care of that. I will miss the talking heads picking names out of the hat just to have something to talk about for the past week. It's entertaining watching them grasp for things to say when it's been all said, over and over and over again.

Biden was not my first choice - he's been my 2nd choice to Hillary all along. I'm not crazy about Obama - however, the more I hear him speak, it's obvious he's a very smart man. And quite frankly, the only reason I don't like him is because he took away the chance of having the first woman as a president. So - not a very good reason eh?

Hopefully together, if they should win - we will finally have a clear way out of the mess created by Bush Co called the Iraq War - Operation Freedom - Iraqi Freedom - and my personal favorite - this money pit, cluster fuck we should have never started in the first place.