Monday, September 06, 2010

One War Down, One War to Go!

American deaths in Iraq by state
I'm sure if you go through my archives you will find rant upon rant about our assinine decision as a country to go war with Iraq. After all, Bush and Company never did define a real reason after 7 1/2 years, we just kept changing the "mission" after each reason failed us. WMD? no, that wasn't it - Saddam's link to 9/11? no, that was just an outright lie and with that we settled on spreading "freedom" to the Iraqi people. Really? Freedom? 4,416 Americans gave their lives, to bring "freedom" to the Iraqi people.

I still find myself hard pressed to think otherwise, after 7 1/2 years, this was about oil, revenge and lining the pockets of Bush's friends who stood to profit from the invasion.

I've never found myself angrier at a President until I watched this clip. At this point (2004), about 2,000 Americans had died in Iraq and Bush decided it was a good time to practice some comedy regarding his lies - it's about 5 mins in and the "jokes" about Iraq and reasons for war became an SNL skit. And somehow, someway....he would be voted back IN office for a 2nd term. WOW, talk about head up our collective asses - WHAT was that all about?

As President Obama managed to get the majority of Americans out of Iraq this past week. He was criticized for leaving 50K behind. Sadly enough, once again our memories have failed, not giving credit where credit is due as to who brought us there in the first place.

A little rant from Rachel Maddow as a reminder.