Saturday, September 18, 2004

Were YOU Paying Attention?

On Wednesday the new National Intelligence Estimate prepared for Shrub back in JULY (2004) confirms the cluster f*ck he's made in Iraq. If we're lucky, the most favorable outcome described is an Iraq whose stability would remain tenuous in political, economic and security terms. However, what you and I see nightly on the news seems closer to the truth. It is a predicted there will be a civil war by the end of 2005.

Key statements from the NY Times article:

The situation in Iraq prompted harsh comments from Republicans and Democrats at a hearing into the shift of spending from reconstruction to security. Senator Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, called it "exasperating for anybody look at this from any vantage point," and Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska, said of the overall lack of spending: "It's beyond pitiful, it's beyond embarrassing. It is now in the zone of dangerous."

The committee's ranking Democrat, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, one of the harshest critics of the Iraq policies, was far more outspoken. "The president has frequently described Iraq as, quote, 'the central front of the war on terror,' " Mr. Biden went on. "Well by that definition, success in Iraq is a key standard by which to measure the war on terror. And by that measure, I think the war on terror is in trouble."

Much to my surprise, Bush as of Saturday was still saying he is 'pleased with the progress' in Iraq. I guess he didn't read the report from July? I must also assume he doesn't watch the news. It was only on Wednesday that three more beheaded bodies were found on the side of the road. Not to mention, the death toll this week was estimated around 300+ I'm starting to think his goal is to kill all the Iraqis to end the violence!

A retired police officer Abaas Ramah- had the gull to say: "Where is the freedom they promised?". "All the bloodshed, the sabotage, the killings. Who is paying the price? We, the Iraqi civilians." and goes on to say: "There will be genocide here if they leave right now," Ramah answers. "They destroyed this country, and it is their responsibility to make it stand again…. Iraq is like a sick old woman who needs America to treat her right now."

Poor misguided Abaas. He doesn't realize - Shrub and Company TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANYTHING they fuck up! You should see what he's done to our country Abaas. Bush just hasn't scared you Iraqis enough to get in-line and get on the American Fear Program.

In a second report, CONFIRMING David Kay's report regarding WMD from 2003/2004. The Iraq Survey Group has determinded what we've known for 16 months - NEWSFLASH: U.S. weapons inspector: Iraq had no WMD! None, zilch, zero! Also related, Colin Powell came clean this week as well stating: Agents knew case flimsy, Powell says Doubts on Iraq kept from him, he testifies.

But hey! If that all isn't enough to make us feel good that we are fighting those evil doing terrorist, Bush let the federal ban on assult rifles expire on Monday! The same ban he vowed to renew. We can now feel safer on our flight to Newark knowing we will not have a plastic knife, but you can kill 300 bears in one swoop when you go hunting! Afterall, this is America dammit! And those terrorists in Iraq this week who kidnapped 3 more hostages didn't use their AK 47's properly. They only use them to kidnap their victims. Time and time again.

For three days the Drudge Report carried a story about a Kerry Supporter who ripped up a 3 year girl's sign at a Bush rally. On the surface that story seemed skewed to me. Point one, if you are a Kerry supporter showing up at a Bush rally - we know you'll be arrested! Just as this bereaved mother was arrested on Thursday, who lost her son in the war.

Without further adieu, for the Republican Wall of Shame this week, may I present to you, Phil Parlock. This poor Republican has had a signed ripped up at three previous rallies! Oh, not just from this year, but dating back to 1996, 2000 and now 2004. Coinky Dink? I don't think so!

I've come to grips that our nation is full of Reshrublican idiots and the head Reshrublican idiot is leading our country. So, it is with that I found some solice this week. If for some reason we keep the idiot in office, it is only fitting he cleans up ALL THE MESS he has left in his wake. Home and abroad.